ZICMSE 2020 offers a fantastic opportunity to meet and make new contacts in the field of Materials Science and Engineering. It allows delegates to have issues addressed in Materials Science by recognised global experts who are fully acquainted with the latest developments in the Materials Science field as well as information on new techniques and technologies. The ZICMSE 2020 will feature world-renowned keynote speakers, plenary speeches, young research forums, technical workshops, and career guidance sessions.
ZICMSE 2020 Goes Virtual
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the ZICMSE 2020 Organising Committee has made a decision to hold the Conference as a virtual event.
The ZICMSE 2020 will have all the benefits of an in-person conference with some differences. It will offer extra benefits to the authors like:
Lower registration fee of $300 for professionals and $250 for students (the student has to be the first author of the paper)
No travel cost to the authors
No hotel cost
No additional expenses
Regular proceedings through the IOP (indexed in Scopus)
Full electronic access to the conference proceedings
Electronic presentation of their papers
Participation in small groups such as Doctoral Group and Special Interest Group.
Missing the in-person communication by choice
Missing gathering
Missing the company of friends and colleagues
Best Paper/Presentation Award and a Certificate of Recognition will be given for:
Best paper in each session
Best presentation in each session
Opportunities for Conference Attendees:
For Researchers:
Speakers Presentation
Group Participations
For Universities, Associations & Societies:
Association Partnering
Collaboration Proposals
Academic Partnering
Workshop Organising
For Students & Research Scholars:
Presentation Competition (Winner will get the Best Presentation Award)
Young Researcher Forum (YRF Award to the Best Presenter)
Student Attendee
Group Registrations
Speaker Presentations
Audience Participation
Networking Opportunities
For Companies:
Sponsorship Opportunities
Product Launch
Workshop Organising
Scientific Partnering
Marketing and Networking with Clients